Friday, October 26, 2007

Esoteric Hitlerism

In respect of the future of National-Socialism - that idealistic, noble, but mis-understood way of life - it is important to understand that National-Socialist Germany was only a beginning of the practical implementation of National-Socialism. That is, a complete National-Socialist society was being worked toward, but was never fully achieved because of the circumstances of the time - in particular the advent of the First Zionist War (commonly called the Second World War) with the need for Germany to fight a total war in order to try and survive. In many ways, Adolf Hitler (as he himself admitted, for instance to Leon Degrelle) had to make several compromises in order to not only achieve power, but also to keep power in the face of external and internal problems.

The truth is that many Germans of the time were not National-Socialists - that is, upholders of the ethic of personal honour who strove to live by the ideals of duty to the folk and absolute loyalty to their comrades. Many Germans supported the political principles of National-Socialism for their own reasons, but had not changed themselves into honourable, idealistic individuals; that is, they had not achieved an inner, personal, revolution - a triumph of the will - based upon NS ideals. Similarly, many Institutions of time (one particularly thinks here of the Officer corps of the Germany Army) were not National-Socialist in nature.

Thus, while NS Germany (what it was, not what Zionist hate propaganda has made it appear) should be considered as an inspiring model for us and future generations, it should not be looked upon as the perfect, ideal, National-Socialist society. That ideal society was being built, through organizations such as the SS and the Hitler Youth, but was never achieved due to the triumph of the ignoble Zionists. In effect, NS Germany was but the prototype of the ideal society which it is possible for us to build, given a genuine revolution - that is, both an outer, social revolution, and an inner personal revolution among the majority of individuals.

It is our task - and that of future generations - to lay the foundations for this complete National-Socialist society. To do this, we must expound pure, idealistic National-Socialism, untainted by any compromise with the societies of out time. That is, we must expressly state what National-Socialism is and involves, however “impractical” or idealistic it might seem, and however unpopular.

It is not our task to simply win over, through the propaganda and rhetoric of a political movement, a majority of the people of a particular nation or society in order to try and win some sort of political power. This is not our task because such political power is transitory - and easily destroyed by our enemies - unless those people who have been won over are dedicated, idealistic National-Socialists.

We do not need political propaganda - such as stirring speeches, rallies, marches, strident appeals - which only ever appeals to the fickle emotions of people. Instead, we need reasoned literature; factual stories of National-Socialist heroism; and living examples of National-Socialism in action, both individual and communal. That is, we need to show the idealism, the truths, of National-Socialism by personal example - through our own deeds and projects, and through the deeds of those who struggled, and often died, for the cause of National-Socialism.

We need to do this because our aim is to create a new way of living - a totally new order - without any compromise whatsoever. Our aim is not to win (or worse, try to seize) some transitory political power by any means where, through compromise or lack of the right people in the right numbers, we sow the seeds of our own future downfall.

Our way must be the natural, organic way - to grow slowly, but securely, from small beginnings; to root ourselves deeply within our own people; so deeply that no storm of our enemy can uproot us. To root ourselves in such a way we must rid our cause of all the dishonourable, political, trappings our Cause has unfortunately acquired since the defeat of NS Germany. We must also do away with all the political trappings, all the emotive rhetoric, all the propaganda, all the compromises which Adolf Hitler and his NSDAP had to use in order to win power and begin to create a true National-Socialist society. That is, we must step out from the past and concentrate on the future, while still retaining our links to this past which is both our heritage and our inspiration.

We must understand and then expound the essence of National-Socialism, the eternal truths and wisdom of National-Socialism - and not continue to use, or rely on, the tactics which were once used, and had then to be used, in order to try and make this idealistic essence real in a particular society at a particular time in history.

The Essence of National-Socialism:

The essence of National-Socialism can be expressed in three words: honour, loyalty and duty. Personal honour is the basis for the morality of National-Socialism; it is our guide to how we should conduct ourselves. Loyalty is one important practical expression of both personal honour and duty: our honour means that we are loyal to both our duty, and those to whom we have pledged our loyalty.

Our duty is to strive to aid Nature: that is, to strive for personal and racial excellence, for according to National-Socialism race and individual, noble, character are manifestations of Nature - of Nature striving to evolve toward higher forms, toward more Order. That is, our duty is to strive for a personal Triumph of the Will and a folkish Triumph of the Will. Our honour demands that we strive to do this duty in an honourable and loyal way - in accord with the ethics, the morality, of National-Socialism.

This means that whatever we do, we should strive to be honourable - that is, fair, courteous, reasonable, resolute and prepared to defend ourselves, and those to whom we have pledged loyalty. The morality of National-Socialism also demands that we uphold freedom, and truth. Both freedom and truth arise when strong individuals - individuals of moral character, guided by honour, loyalty and duty - do what is right and strive to create a noble way of living for themselves, their kin and their folk.

On the practical level we must accept that National-Socialism does not involve any kind of racial hatred, racial prejudice or racial intolerance. Rather, it expresses a concern for and love of, our own folk and desires our folk to live in a free and honourable society. Most importantly, National-Socialism expresses the desire for other races to be free, and for all free races to co-operate together for their mutual advantage, well-being and development. Correctly understood, National-Socialism is an affirmation of our humanity: a way of living applicable to all races, not just the Aryan race. It is an affirmation of our human diversity and difference, created by Nature on whom we all depend. This affirmation was evident, for instance, in the SS, which accepted members from individuals of non-Aryan cultures. The SS were modern warriors, with a warrior’s way of thinking and being: strong, proud, respectful of bravery and valour in others (including “the enemy”), honourable, given to humour in adversity, loving of their own kind, and open-minded and tolerant of other cultures.

What has hitherto not been very well understood in respect of National-Socialism, is that it is not race which defines our humanity - it is honour and reason. Race is our relation to Nature: how Nature is expressed, is manifest, in us. As such race is important and indeed vital; but so is honour. It is the combination of an acceptance of both race and honour which is National-Socialism. An affirmation of race without an affirmation honour is not National-Socialism, just as an affirmation of honour without an affirmation of race is not National-Socialism. It is this living, organic, dialectic of honour and race which defines National-Socialism itself, and a National-Socialist is an individual who strives to do their honourable duty to both their own race and Nature herself, of which other human races are a part. That is, a National-Socialist must always be honourable, whatever the consequences, or the perceived consequences. Quite often, this means a National-Socialist is faced with what seems to be difficult choices and difficult decisions, although in reality if National-Socialism itself is properly understood, there is no conflict, no moral dilemma and no difficulty in doing the right, the honourable, thing.

Thus if something, some act or deed, seems to affirm race - or be beneficial to one’s race - but is dishonourable, then that something is not something a National-Socialist should do. What honour does is define our duty to our race and other races - it prevents us from committing hubris: that is, prevents us from “overstepping the mark”, from being insolent toward Nature and “the gods” (or God).

It is this understanding, this wisdom, these truths, which we must defend, speak and write of, and which we must use to form the foundations of that New Order which we, and all honourable people of all races, desire to live in. Anything which contradicts this understanding, this wisdom, these truths, however beneficial, necessary or advantageous it may seem in the short term, must be rejected as a denial of our honourable duty.

Our enemy is not some other race (or races) - and not even the Zionists. Our enemy is ourselves: our lack of understanding; our lack of honour; our lack of reason; our inability (often out of laziness) to change ourselves for the better by using our will. We cannot blame our problems on someone else, on some race or races, or even the Zionists. What is now, came to be as it came to be, through the workings of life, of Nature herself and if we desire to change what now is, we can and will if we strive in the right way - in accord with the truths, the wisdom of life itself.

To achieve what we desire to achieve - to express our humanity, to work in harmony with Nature and so continue our evolution - we must achieve our own Triumph of the Will by striving to be honourable, by being loyal, and by striving to do our duty to Nature in an honourable way. It is as profoundly simple as that.

A Personal Learning:

Like many National-Socialists who live in the post First Zionist War world, I have in the past, out of desire to at least do something, used both the rhetoric and the tactics employed by the NSDAP in the hope of gaining some kind of political power. Thus, my older writings - and the propaganda I employed as leader of the now disbanded National-Socialist Movement - contain much strident rhetoric and appeals for political action of one kind or another. I have given all of my adult life to striving to aid the Cause in one way or another, as have many other National-Socialists.

In the past thirty or more years, I have used every tactic I could, some covert, some overt, some dubious and perhaps dishonourable, to further our noble Cause, as I have, on occasion, used deceit to try and deceive our now powerful enemies. In the end I and those others who have used similar tactics have achieved nothing because the tactics, and sometimes the intention, were wrong, as I have slowly and painfully learned from experience. This post First Zionist War world is very different from the world which Adolf Hitler and the members of his NSDAP knew and many people - myself included - have in past mistaken some of the rhetoric of the past for the essence.

We have concentrated on fighting perceived enemies, and on somehow taking over the status quo, to the detriment of what is fundamentally important. We have perceived our duty as fighting these perceived enemies, and taking part in some war, whereas our real duty is to be and to strive to be a becoming, a continuation of our folk and of evolution itself - to belong to our folk; to be honourable; to express our humanity through our Nature-given talents and abilities; to create genuine folk communities in harmony with Nature.

We have been caught up in the new species of time which has been brought into existence in the world by the defeat of National-Socialist Germany, whereas we need to return to the time of our own being, of which National-Socialist Germany was but a brief but glorious glimpse:
a striving toward. This time of our being is the time of honourable humans; of folk communities valuing ancestral customs; of striving for a balance with Nature, where what is sacred is understood and respected. This time is the way of individuals working together, slowly, over many decades by valuing what is right and doing only that which links them to the past, the future and Nature herself.

The time of this present world is the time of hubris; of arrogance; of a pride unrestrained by honour, loyalty and duty; of a terrible and costly war between abstract ideas and abstract values. For this present world is the inhuman world of a burgeoning, culture-destroying world-wide tyranny. This time is the time where societies strive against one another; where political parties vie for power using whatever means they can; of political campaigns and the desire to win votes or some kind of power.

We cannot fight the world of this modern abstract time without becoming of this time - without corrupting and losing the essence of our way; without losing our very being, as honourable, folk-aware, Nature-aware individuals in harmony with Nature and the cosmos beyond. Instead, we must just simply be what we are - or rather, strive to be what we should be, and let this world of this modern time continue as it will continue, toward its inevitable destruction. There is thus no external war to fight; no perceived enemy to struggle against; no political action. There is only a slow, necessary, building of the future based upon the wisdom of National-Socialism. There must be Blood and Soil, a homeland of individuals bound together through tradition, way of living, of being, and understanding, of love of the homeland, before there can be Conquest and Exploration.

The world of the slow time of Blood and Soil, of deep, wordless love of homeland, of a dwelling where Nature was understood and respected, of personal honour, of respecting folk traditions and ways, was what was brutally destroyed by the First Zionist War and the terrible, ignoble persecutions which followed.
What is the essence of the understanding now required - what is our correct way of being - is to transcend our own ego, our own personal lives; to see ourselves as a nexus between the past of our folk and its future. We must transcend our own personal concerns; even our own personal feelings and personal desires: the anger we may feel; the sadness. For it is this transcendence of ourselves, this seeing of ourselves as a nexus between our folk past and our folk future, which is the essence of true human understanding: the tremendous and revolutionary insight which National-Socialism brings and which is the time of the being we should strive to dwell in. We belong to our folk, to Nature and the very cosmos. Honour, loyalty and duty are but a means whereby we can dwell as we should: as human beings capable of evolving still further.

To dwell in this modern world with its modern abstract time, its politics, its contending societies, its egotism, its pride, its misplaced hatred, is to dwell in the realm of barbarism where our very humanity is at best denied, and at worst, lost.

Instead, we must cultivate the insight of ourselves as a living link, a nexus, as we must cultivate the understanding this insight brings. Thus, we should not seek to be of the societies of this modern time, but rather seek to build our own, new, societies, imbued with our own time - the time of Nature; of the folk community; of personal honour; of understanding the nexus which we are. Thus, and only thus, can we make real some time in the future, the essence of National-Socialism.

Until then, we can remember with fondness the world which has gone - glimpsed in the faded photographs of pre-war Germany; briefly captured in the epic Triumph of the Will; and recalled whenever we remember the sacrifices of those who perished fighting for the noble way of life we treasure and understand without the need for words.

Determining Your Nordic / Aryan Subtype

A frequently referenced and fairly well known website is called the "Society for Nordish Anthropology" which can help you assess your racial ancestry. Far from being just a website devoted to racialist thought it can help you identify your specific racial sub-type. For example My features are most closely aligned to Anglo-Saxon, which comes as no surprise, my family is very much of Wales. My best friend however is of the North-Atlantid sub-sect. Again hardly a surprise, his family is primarily from Irish working class neighborhoods of Boston where the child-rearing peoples rarely bred outside the neighborhood.

My additional coursework that was general education in University (e.g. well rounded classical courses) I spent a good portion of my time engrossed in Anthropology coursework. Business can after all be a very dull subject matter. I came across this site as a cross-reference on another set of coursework totally by accident. I had it bookmarked and think it's worthy of sharing, and a nice site to boot.

Physical anthropology today is in an interesting flux. In introductory chapters they demonstrate the physical, socio-cultural and mental capacity that exist as it relates to the different racial groups on the planet. Later they will complain that police use forensic anthropology to determine the race of victims as being unsavory. One wonders if graduate students still write text books these days, as the assumption is disproved by earlier statements but found to be politically incorrect.

But make no mistake about it, there is a clear and defined difference genetically between races when considering the pure physical characteristics which define a race. Before you leave to look at the website and consider your own racial sub-type I'd invite you to consider the following quote from the father of modern evolutionary biology; Charles Darwin.

"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla. " The Descent of Man (1871) p.201

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Update on Content Changes

I've grown quite bored with the National Socialist Movement and expose is really a job better left to people concerned with party politics. I'll keep the listings, but continue to post on topics which interest me elsewhere.

Why? Several reasons; Von Bluvens runs a blog with similar content matter and Jim Ramm runs a website with the same thought behind it. There's no point in being redundant if the same subject matter is covered by people more interested in it than I.

I stuck with the NSM essentially out of loyalty to Ramm, but now that he's gone I'm free to pursue my interests elsewhere and write about them, whereas a member, posting on topic matters considered taboo to Jeff Schoep was specifically disallowed anywhere public.

I'm sure I didn't disappoint anyone, you can find your NSM news fix on the linked site to this page. I'll still help backup and host Zog's Nightmare! when it becomes available, but beyond that it's up to them to carry the torch.

Have at it guys!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Unified Front; all 18 of them!

From NSM Internal Mail;

Posted by: "SGT.Connelly" nynsmunit

Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:34 pm (PST)

Heil der Commander

In to response of the recent events I was phoned by many of the Northeastern regional National Socialist Movement enlisted storm troopers and general party membership. Many were wondering what was going on this past two weeks. With our resolve being tested as well as our loyalty and honor. The Northeastern regional area is 100% percent without questions behind the Commander and the party. As for the New York unit our unit is fully behind the Commander and the party. At no point not one member here has terminated their services to the party. We are only getting stronger as the days goes by and will continue whole heartedly and faithfully continue to march forward and fight not for only race but also for soil. I was informed that this goods news to be made publicly to the rest of our party and those whom are thinking of joining the NSM. We will not rest until we have achieved our aims for a new Government and a nation for our race and only our race. In closing I would
like to thank all those in the Northeast for being loyal to the party but above all the Commander. I would like to salute all those who have stood faithfully behind the Commander and the party you are all what this party is made up of built on trust, honor, loyalty, commitment and integrity.

With this being said would like to heil the Commander and those who I would be proud to call Kameraden and a fellow SA and many others . I also agree on MSGT.Boswell when this coffin is nailed shut.


SGT. Connelly SS Bewerber
New York State unit leader
Northeast regional director

SS-Bewerber Connelly
Northeastern Regional Director
Give me a break. He's got one, two, three, four, five - five positions all lined up into one. Sounds pretty impressive doesn't it? Except that the Northeastern territory is den of thieves, the NSM web team. So saying the Northeast is behind the NSM is akin to Schafer, Connelly, and the female member saying "I'm in!" "Me too!" "Me three!"

*shrugs* What a joke. This includes only New York and New Jersey, they have no other units in the Northeast and never did.

A Warning So Tainted With Fear

This item came in through the NSM Main List-Serve for their internal Yahoo group. I won't say how I come about this information, only that is an oversight that provides meaningful insight into their internal activities. I'll report what I get until either the oversight is corrected, or it becomes obvious. I don't think that Schafer is quite clever enough to deduce firewall proxy servers. That being said, I'm aware of Jim Ramm's plans to release full versions of "Zog's Nightmare" and the sequel on the internet, free of National Socialist Movement images and content, and free of spy ware. It's the subject of spy ware that I'm addressing here.

The following is a letter from notorious cash-hound Jeff Schoep who issues the following statement.


*The NSM Software Development Team Warns of Spyware in Illegally Downloaded
Copies of Zogs Nightmare Games I & II*
22.OCTOBER.2007 - Minneapolis, MN

Recently, the NSM's Software Development Team (NSMSDT) was alerted to a few
sites offering downloads of the "Zogs' Nightmare" series, illegally. The
NSMSDT has analyzed both Zogs' Nightmare I & II and found the digital
signature has been altered.

First and foremost, the Zogs' Nightmare series is only available through the
NSM Store, NSM88 Records and exclusive retailers. Downloadable versions of
Zogs' Nightmare will never be offered by the NSM or any of its retailers
save the Zogs' Nightmare demo.

Our software engineers are still analyzing the various versions of the
illegal downloadable files found online and so far have found a possible
computer and internet protocol address verifier, or CIPAV that has been
injected & bundled with the original source files. This is a very small
little file that adheres to your computer at the kernel level hiding it
effectively from anti-virus and anti-spyware defense. When players start
the illegally downloaded versions of Zogs' Nightmare 1 & 2, the software on
computers that have an Internet connection uses this connection to transmit
the name of the computer being used and the name of the user signed in to
the Windows session. Most alarmingly, the software also transmits the IP
address of the player's computer.

The NSMSDT will be investigating this matter in an attempt to analyze where
the information is being sent. Some of our sources have suggested that the
culprit may be the ADL, but this has not been confirmed. We are urging all
people that want to play Zogs' Nightmare to ONLY purchase a copy from NSM88
Records or one of our exclusive retailers. If you have illegally downloaded
a copy of Zogs' Nightmare I or II, we urge you to delete it from you system
immediately, save all personal files, re-format your hard drive and
reinstall your operating system from scratch to guarantee that you computer
has not been compromised.

The NSMSDT will not be taking any further action in regards to a patch as
none of the LEGAL versions of the games have been compromised. The only
compromised games have been from sites that are offering the software
illegally for download.

Every game disc has a digital signature that can be verified by our software
team in which they can immediately tell if the program was tampered with.
Furthermore, an electronic serial number is included with each game, an
internal license key, and if this software is distributed illegally online
the NSMSDT can track the the illegal content by license number.

The NSMSDT had the digital signature and serial numbers compiled to the
final source code before the games went to pressing in order to help fight
pirated software.

If you have any questions and are a LEGAL owner of Zogs' Nightmare series
video games, you may contact the NSMSDT by phoning 651.659.6307.

About the NSM:

The NSM organization is the largest and most active National Socialist
movement in America. The NSM's core beliefs include: defending the rights of
white people everywhere, preservation of our white culture and heritage,
strengthening family values, reform of illegal immigration policies, and
immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern
occupation and promotion of white separation.

To obtain a legal copy of Zogs' Nightmare I or II Visit:

National HQ Contact & Website:

National Socialist Movement
Public Relations Liaison
P.O. Box 580669
Minneapolis, MN. 55458
Phone: 651.659.6307

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
Patently Untrue You Scummy Jew!

I'll be making available copies posted as they do not violate any copyright restrictions, Schoep not having the foresight to have Ramm sign a contract transferring intellectual ownership to the organization, nor anyone else. Ramm as such retains full copyrights to the software and the original material. So the concept of thievery is pretty much moot. Schoep, my advice is for you to start requiring your members to sign contracts if you want to retain rights to their volunteer work. There are no serial numbers associated with install, you can copy and redistribute it now without compunction as it's freeware (but not open source) the game compiler (the nifty function that makes it into a program) doesn't have serial numbers for tracking.

So; the issue of theft should be effectively settled.

Schoep informed a former member through interviews unrelated to Zog's Nightmare (except as casual conversation regarding it's use as a recruiting tool) that he only had 1000 copies pressed and consequently was put out of the money personally. To date, despite much ado about it and effort to sell it through the website (and authorized "resellers" meaning he sold off unused copies) the merchandise movement has been slow. Not through any fault of authorship, but for the reputation these games is fairly poor. Compare Zog's Nightmare to Ethnic Cleansing and you'll get a feel for what I'm talking about.

He's right though, the digital signature (he means files associated with game play, it's not a complicated concept his child would be remiss to understand) has been altered. The NSM garbage that ruined game play has been removed.

I will make permanent links available when the copies are available for download through a site storage server called "RapidShare" which will make them available for free, albeit a tad difficult, but it's secure and un-hackable. I love our Nordic brothers in Sweden!

I run fairly tight security on my networks, so whenever I install something it'll run through automatic scans. Comparatively speaking the file sizes are smaller, but the essential core files are intact. There is no spy ware that AdAware Pro, Zone Alarm, SpyBot - Search and Destroy!, or Symantec can detect.

Schoep is in a bit of panic now, because he's sitting (as of August 20th according to Mr. Hart has sold only 92 copies including 30 for resale on sites such as - Micetrap Records) on over 900 copies of a game which had a very high markup and no ability to resell if it's made content free on the internet. It's a scare tactic, but a poor one. The software is safe, Hans Kammler is here to provide a free mirror download when the software is made available to him. Links will follow on the right side of the page.

I love being in the legal right! Why pay for propaganda when the author makes it freeware? Ramm's proud and he should be, I helped on the development of character skins and did some beta testing. It's a great game, and now free of NSM content dictated by Schoep is a faster download and a faster gameplay. Kudos Ramm!

Statement from John Taylor-Bowles Regarding NSM Split

Something you won't get from NSM sources:

"Fellow National Socialists:

For 60 days now a battle has been waged behind the NSM scenes between the NSM Commander and a lot of NSM rank and file because of his web team consisting of Mike Connelly, Cathy Griggs, and John Schafer. The NSM Commander has given them free authority to do as they please in the Forums and New Saxon without ever disciplining them. For six months, I have received steady requests by NSM members and friends of the NSM to do something about the web team because of their tyrannical and unjust ways of banning people and cussing at people. Recently, I discovered a secret room in the Forums where they regularly meet and post messages about NSM members behind their backs and the NSM Commander participates and allows it. This is bad character on the part of them all and the reason the NSM Commander expelled me and came up with that lie of me and others being defeatist. Is defeatism running as the first National Socialist for President in the USA, 24/7, and giving up a $50,000 a year job to do so? Is defeatism being a National Socialist for over 33 years? Is defeatism running the first NSM candidate for office last year in Montana and obtaining 17.5% of the vote which is astounding?

Go ask Jeff Schoep what happened to that NSM Scholarship fund that NSM members generously donated into? He will tell you it’s (his puppet master John Schafer will back him up and lie for him)still there. It isn’t! NSM Commander told Nick Chappell at the Omaha Rally it was used to move the Commander and his family. If you don’t believe it, have you seen it issued to any high school student yet? Not.

Also, the NSM Commander has barely made any effort to push the 2008 Presidential election campaign. When people were making a fuss about his lack of enthusiasm about it he would occasionally take up a collection once in awhile (like the book burning and National Meeting). I accuse him of deliberately sabotaging it. He is a saboteur. His lack of effort along with the web team chasing potential contributors away destroyed the Presidential campaign.

Also, the NSM Commander called the former NSM Viking Youth Corps Director a defeatist too. Does a defeatist take his inheritance and buy a building so the NSM could regularly meet there and be safe?

Within the last week, the NSM Commander along with his web team and himself have lost the NW Regional Leader, NSM Viking Youth Corps Director, NSM Election Director, Meeting Hall in SC, and its 2008 Presidential candidate, plus so many members it would make your head spin. Notice he doesn’t mention the number of NSM members that wrote him back about his e-mail about loyalty and oath that resigned. I showed that e-mail to genuine German National Socialists from the 1930’s-1940’s and they laughed at it explaining that he was wrong and isn’t a National Socialist. They thought a Marxist wrote it at first. They explained that the message conveys that NSM members are suppose to have strict and faithful loyalty to their leader without question. They point out that this isn’t National Socialist thinking from the NSDAP because a leader is suppose to have responsibility of making proper decisions downward. Responsibility comes with leadership and making decisions. The former NSDAP leaders explained that Schoeps interpretation was Marxist thinking or tyrannical thinking because the message insisted that everyone must be loyal and faithful with nothing in return from the leadership. Go back and read it yourself and you will see.

There will come a day when you get the boot. Remember my words here.

Best regards,
John Taylor Bowles,
Expelled NSM 2008 Presidential Candidate."


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cyan Colored Glasses - Schoep Now Wears Neon Contacts

This might seem to be a petty thing to do, but it's reportable and document able and thus will be posted here. I was made aware that Schoep wears neon contact lenses, that his eyes are not truly blue, it's an interesting assertion so I decided to investigate and report what I could.

Using comparative computer analysis and good ol' fashioned guts I went searching for a series of pictures in which the face could be clearly seen. Take a look at the pictures and decide for yourself.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Cursory examination reveals nothing: color values are a mixed mean of R:79 G:45 B:53 no chromatic variations based upon outside edge examination.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Again the cursory examination shows a natural blend of RGB values on the outside where contact definition is usually shown. Compare the first picture where there is a defined outline. You'll see none of that in this picture either. Mixed mean values are R: 102 G: 78 B:85 within the same scale as the prior RGB values (~20 value points.)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This last image is from a more recent public activity and you can see the defined change in the visual color index in the eyes. Additionally, a purely visual inspection shows that on the left side (the subject's right eye) and the lens break is visible, and from a downward angle, fairly obvious.
The RGB values now are sharply defined by less red and green, and more emphasis of cyan. The values are: R:52 G:102 B: 148 the variation is +42.6%, the drop in combined values for features normally accorded to brown has dropped -16.9% (both percentages rounded up)

The variation between the chroma edge (the bottom of the eye) versus the surrounding values is as follows: R: 113 G:53 B: 64 which is far closer to the original values, variations of brown hues a drop of only -8.3% and a difference in cyan values of -3.2%, more closely aligned with the original. Take into consideration the first picture in this post, which is taken from a commercial neon contact lens company:

The values are also very similar to the ones exhibited by the lenses worn by Schoep. The variation between outside edge and interior edge is a difference of only 3.2% when compared against the images of Schoep.

Take it as you will, I view it as personality deception, and presentation of persona which is entirely dishonest for his own personal gain. It could be advertising, but plenty of Aryan men didn't have blue eyes and were reasonable patriots. Schoep is none of those things; petty deception is the NSM's favorite parlor games.