Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Warning So Tainted With Fear

This item came in through the NSM Main List-Serve for their internal Yahoo group. I won't say how I come about this information, only that is an oversight that provides meaningful insight into their internal activities. I'll report what I get until either the oversight is corrected, or it becomes obvious. I don't think that Schafer is quite clever enough to deduce firewall proxy servers. That being said, I'm aware of Jim Ramm's plans to release full versions of "Zog's Nightmare" and the sequel on the internet, free of National Socialist Movement images and content, and free of spy ware. It's the subject of spy ware that I'm addressing here.

The following is a letter from notorious cash-hound Jeff Schoep who issues the following statement.


*The NSM Software Development Team Warns of Spyware in Illegally Downloaded
Copies of Zogs Nightmare Games I & II*
22.OCTOBER.2007 - Minneapolis, MN

Recently, the NSM's Software Development Team (NSMSDT) was alerted to a few
sites offering downloads of the "Zogs' Nightmare" series, illegally. The
NSMSDT has analyzed both Zogs' Nightmare I & II and found the digital
signature has been altered.

First and foremost, the Zogs' Nightmare series is only available through the
NSM Store, NSM88 Records and exclusive retailers. Downloadable versions of
Zogs' Nightmare will never be offered by the NSM or any of its retailers
save the Zogs' Nightmare demo.

Our software engineers are still analyzing the various versions of the
illegal downloadable files found online and so far have found a possible
computer and internet protocol address verifier, or CIPAV that has been
injected & bundled with the original source files. This is a very small
little file that adheres to your computer at the kernel level hiding it
effectively from anti-virus and anti-spyware defense. When players start
the illegally downloaded versions of Zogs' Nightmare 1 & 2, the software on
computers that have an Internet connection uses this connection to transmit
the name of the computer being used and the name of the user signed in to
the Windows session. Most alarmingly, the software also transmits the IP
address of the player's computer.

The NSMSDT will be investigating this matter in an attempt to analyze where
the information is being sent. Some of our sources have suggested that the
culprit may be the ADL, but this has not been confirmed. We are urging all
people that want to play Zogs' Nightmare to ONLY purchase a copy from NSM88
Records or one of our exclusive retailers. If you have illegally downloaded
a copy of Zogs' Nightmare I or II, we urge you to delete it from you system
immediately, save all personal files, re-format your hard drive and
reinstall your operating system from scratch to guarantee that you computer
has not been compromised.

The NSMSDT will not be taking any further action in regards to a patch as
none of the LEGAL versions of the games have been compromised. The only
compromised games have been from sites that are offering the software
illegally for download.

Every game disc has a digital signature that can be verified by our software
team in which they can immediately tell if the program was tampered with.
Furthermore, an electronic serial number is included with each game, an
internal license key, and if this software is distributed illegally online
the NSMSDT can track the the illegal content by license number.

The NSMSDT had the digital signature and serial numbers compiled to the
final source code before the games went to pressing in order to help fight
pirated software.

If you have any questions and are a LEGAL owner of Zogs' Nightmare series
video games, you may contact the NSMSDT by phoning 651.659.6307.

About the NSM:

The NSM organization is the largest and most active National Socialist
movement in America. The NSM's core beliefs include: defending the rights of
white people everywhere, preservation of our white culture and heritage,
strengthening family values, reform of illegal immigration policies, and
immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern
occupation and promotion of white separation.

To obtain a legal copy of Zogs' Nightmare I or II Visit:

National HQ Contact & Website:

National Socialist Movement
Public Relations Liaison
P.O. Box 580669
Minneapolis, MN. 55458
Phone: 651.659.6307

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
Patently Untrue You Scummy Jew!

I'll be making available copies posted as they do not violate any copyright restrictions, Schoep not having the foresight to have Ramm sign a contract transferring intellectual ownership to the organization, nor anyone else. Ramm as such retains full copyrights to the software and the original material. So the concept of thievery is pretty much moot. Schoep, my advice is for you to start requiring your members to sign contracts if you want to retain rights to their volunteer work. There are no serial numbers associated with install, you can copy and redistribute it now without compunction as it's freeware (but not open source) the game compiler (the nifty function that makes it into a program) doesn't have serial numbers for tracking.

So; the issue of theft should be effectively settled.

Schoep informed a former member through interviews unrelated to Zog's Nightmare (except as casual conversation regarding it's use as a recruiting tool) that he only had 1000 copies pressed and consequently was put out of the money personally. To date, despite much ado about it and effort to sell it through the website (and authorized "resellers" meaning he sold off unused copies) the merchandise movement has been slow. Not through any fault of authorship, but for the reputation these games is fairly poor. Compare Zog's Nightmare to Ethnic Cleansing and you'll get a feel for what I'm talking about.

He's right though, the digital signature (he means files associated with game play, it's not a complicated concept his child would be remiss to understand) has been altered. The NSM garbage that ruined game play has been removed.

I will make permanent links available when the copies are available for download through a site storage server called "RapidShare" which will make them available for free, albeit a tad difficult, but it's secure and un-hackable. I love our Nordic brothers in Sweden!

I run fairly tight security on my networks, so whenever I install something it'll run through automatic scans. Comparatively speaking the file sizes are smaller, but the essential core files are intact. There is no spy ware that AdAware Pro, Zone Alarm, SpyBot - Search and Destroy!, or Symantec can detect.

Schoep is in a bit of panic now, because he's sitting (as of August 20th according to Mr. Hart has sold only 92 copies including 30 for resale on sites such as - Micetrap Records) on over 900 copies of a game which had a very high markup and no ability to resell if it's made content free on the internet. It's a scare tactic, but a poor one. The software is safe, Hans Kammler is here to provide a free mirror download when the software is made available to him. Links will follow on the right side of the page.

I love being in the legal right! Why pay for propaganda when the author makes it freeware? Ramm's proud and he should be, I helped on the development of character skins and did some beta testing. It's a great game, and now free of NSM content dictated by Schoep is a faster download and a faster gameplay. Kudos Ramm!

1 comment:

Waterlilly88 said...

Wow that's really sad they know they are screwed so they are coming up with lies... haha