Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Recap of the Last Month As I Know It

The last month has been one of rather quiet chaos as I watched the National Socialist Movement also known by their so-called "PAC" (Political Action Committee) as NSM88. Prior to that momentous call from former member and my mentor in Nationalist Politics Jim Ramm, I had been taking what I considered to be a well-deserved break after immersing myself in the details and so called perceptions of the Party through a paper I wrote for one of my final classes in University. Nearly a month had gone by and I hadn't visited the party forums, left my payment on automatic for members dues (apparently a fool's errand when I discovered where they went to) and went out reading and taking time with my family of which I'd ignored too much during the final scurry to finish schooling.

Before I delve too deeply into things it might be important to consider the definition of a "Net-Nazi." Those of you who are aware of things which happen within the NSM are likely aware the proportion who join, sign on to the forums and pay their dues through word of mouth; namely complaining abjectly and without restraint on the web forum. A "net-nazi" is persons whom the majority of their time is spent interfacing with other like minded folks on the internet due to their inability to establish meaningful relationships with people in person. Some quirk of personality will not allow them to connect in real life although they exude a fairly sizable impression on their web spaces; generally by way of theft of content and materials from other like minded web spaces. So the concept of theft shouldn't be considered all that unusual. The picture to linked here is your average net-nazi; high on gall low on balls.

Unfortunately these people due to their ability to create large web pages and post long and involved posts under multiple pseudonyms tend to create the appearance of a large, uniformly thinking force. See reference to William White either through a fairly sizable Wikipedia Article . White was exposed as more than a bit of a fraud, and by my estimation a psychotic to boot. No pun is intended. John Schafer of the NSM is one of those people as well, the difference being the power he has over the leader of that group, Jeffrey Schoep. Although his capacity to run a set of servers is far from questioned; his leadership capacity and authoritative control is less than admirable. I won't speak to the arrogance of calling oneself a "Reichmarshall" through the web forums, or deleting posts which intellectually contradict his own viewpoints to "maintain order."

The issue which always descends upon Nazi politics when the forum element is introduced; the casual anonymity of the internet allows people to post with far more aggressive posturing than they would normally exhibit. By and large, most who join are social misfits rejected by mainstream society. For the most part I sympathize, it's not always pleasant to take a position which is deemed socially unpopular. But you'd think that among friends it would be at lease plausible to exercise some sort of social restraint.

Such is not the case when considering the actions of the NSM and their clique of web development term that exerts perhaps a bit too much control over the thoughts and opinions of Jeffrey Schoep. Without going into details not having explicit permission I won't go too far into the personal details. I'll close this out with an impression of tactics I was never really very impressed with.

Jim Ramm was completely spot on when he formulated his concept of socialization of people into Nationalist thought before fully initiating them into the party. To this end, his concept of presenting National Socialism almost in the background of a larger context of a simple meeting (in one case, a fairly successful pot luck) was far more successful in terms of hearts and minds than through the internet which seems to ebb and flow with the influx of crazies and undesirables, including Federal Informants, Satanists, Homosexuals, Felons and Child Molesters. has been stolen, and now the blogspot "Bill White Watch" has been hijacked as well. Nuke Israel was re-directed to their main records sign, and the latter contains no more than a cryptic plea for loyalty to Schoep and the party. More on that later. For now, the concept of theft seems to be not beyond Schoep having plead guilty to it once before, as well as the head of his security forces the ever stylish "SS." For now I will keep the torch burning for Jim Ramm as they hijack site after site, even given the fact that they've lost Virgina, Kansas, Ohio, Texas, Michigan, Washington and Oregon units, and those are the ones I'm aware of independently, without confirmation from Ramm.

The next post will contain a deeper excursion into the activities of the web clique who pulls the strings and controls the purse of the NSM (now at best 20% of it's former strength a month ago) and the one after that (assuming the NSM doesn't hijack this as well) will be a detailed look into the financial operations of the party which are both slovenly, and lead to the resignation and ultimate conversion of their Presidential Candidate, John Taylor-Bowles whose website can be seen here.

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