Sunday, October 21, 2007

More Lies, Deception and Filth; the NSM Targets Inconsequential Members

I was checking back on the hacked version of "" and came across a post that listed a few names as being dismissed as trouble makers. It's not the first time a lie involving minor party members whom had left was used to protect and uphold a greater lie. Ken Hart is listed as being dismissed as a trouble maker. Spell it out for me now people L-I-E through your keyboard.

Now say it 10 times fast.

It ends up being as much nonsense as is being written. The timestamps shown on the image which shows that Ken Hart quit after learning about the poor behavior of John Schafer and Jeffrey Schoep's casual dismissal and lies to cover it up.

I got to thinking, why are they hacking and threatening and bolstering as badly as they are right now? It isn't really a simple matter of "We're strong, you're weak and we don't need you." It's a matter of fear. It's a matter of money.

According to former workers associated with the record label nsm88records brings in on average (sometimes less sometimes more) $12,500 a month. Considering the small expenses that are associated with it according to this source counting set-up, operations and supplies purchases the net profit each month is roughly (and on average) $10,000 a month, which equates to $120,000 per year of income which is generally not taxed, reported or accounted for.

Makes you wonder why they redirected to nsm88records doesn't it?

It shouldn't. Schoep relies on the records site to supplement his income, of which he's already receiving party dues (a pithy amount as he grants life memberships to his inner circle) welfare, food-stamps, and the associated government handouts from his so-called "wife" and let's not forget his disability payments. It's irritating isn't it, when the rest of us get married, have a job, pay our taxes and live like good citizens and he's allowed to circumvent the law. Even Hitler had to pay taxes.

I went through a set of calculations to figure out on average what his household income is, when he isn't acting as the getaway driver to robbery. The grand total alone he's able to bilk from the government is very nearly $13,380 a month of which no taxes are being paid. Just his, which comes to $160,560 a year. That's 4.5 times the average gross income of a college graduate.

So of course he has to lie, he makes money off of National Socialism just like Morris Dees makes money off of the SPLC, two sides of the same Jewish coin, to borrow a phrase from Jim Ramm. Of course he has to steal websites (or casually acknowledge their theft) and lie about nukeisrael, billwhitewatch and many others to maintain the appearance that all is well.

But he has absolutely no foresight whatsoever. If he were smarter, and less reactionary he might have backed up Nuke Israel and play acted as Jim Ramm (and apparantly got the message as the billwhitewatch site purports to be J Schultz) instead of directing it simply to the NSM Records site. But he doesn't think or plan, there is no grand vision, he only reacts. This is why you have shocking scandals such as Herrington (admitted Satanist), SS men acting as Federal Informants, Youth Directors barred from contact with minors as child rapists, and on and on. Cover up after cover up after cover up.

I don't feel anger towards my former comrades, just a sense of sad nostalgia, to think that I once believed as they did. It takes courage to up and leave the party, and some day I hope they will no longer continue to allow blind hope keep them from National Socialism as an ideal, instead of the political expediency that Schoep has chosen to use to exploit the hopes and dreams of all of us.

1 comment:

Waterlilly88 said...

I was told the same thing... "Always put your personal feelings aside for the greater good of the party" They make you feel as if without the party in your life there will be nothing else.