But as reporter Jon Tevlin discovered, the 30-year-old Schoep hardly fits that description himself, with a string of petty crimes on his record, including a felony arrest in 1998 for aiding and abetting a burglary.
According to court records, Schoep — who was unemployed at the time, and apparently still is — was arrested for accompanying the mother of his daughter when she stole $4,000 worth of computer equipment. Four children were in the back seat of the car during the burglary.
Schoep, who had become NSM commander four years before the incident, pleaded guilty and got off with probation — but not before District Judge Sharon Hall took him to task for gross hypocrisy.
The NSM, she pointed out, "does not condone fathering children around the countryside and taking no financial responsibility. And it does not condone the commission of crimes. I also know that your organization believes that there are various minority groups in this country that do that on a regular basis."
Schoep told the Star Tribune his crimes were "in the past," and claimed to be "taking care of my children." In the NSM, he insisted, "We stress legality and we're against people breaking the law" — though a registered sex offender, John Snyder, leads the Indiana chapter of the NSM, which puts a special emphasis on recruiting teenagers.Apparently his views have continued although he makes no mention of them when bullying from his pulpit. Interview notes have been made public from academic sources, directed to this website.
"... look, I don't like where this is going. I don't want to give out personal information... um... you know because the Jews have threatened my kids and they threaten me too. So um.. yeah you can't continue asking those questions because we believe in the safety of all white people."
A strange assertion to make, considering the first tactic when the owner of Nuke Israel went away the website was stolen, and the owner's identity, previously kept private from whois searches was made public on the blog. Such are the tactics of cowards who cannot combat the ideas on their own and subsequently invite the attack on members who decide to depart the movement. The oath, if you recall is not to the party specifically, but to the betterment of white people everywhere. The NSM seems to have abjectly failed in that regard.
"... I think that all citizens should be allowed to have housing without interest and given government um... support and stuff. I mean, white people are having difficulty making ends meet working to make the bills. People can't ahhh ... well you know.. we're dying because our race can't make it while the minorities get free handouts."
I have to apologize and admit that I'm repeating a phrase; what a strange assertion. Schoep works no job, has his records website worked from volunteers (namely John Shafer who owns his own server firm he runs out of his home) but it should surprise no one that he's in favor of more government handouts, after all he still has to pay his own electric and utility bills! It's a strange concept, while most of the party works for a living he mooches off the good will of his members.
Even the Presidential Candidate was called "defeatist" for asking for some party support when running his campaign which he had done as purely volunteer, even some reimbursement for minor expenses such as gasoline to travel on his 15 city tour. A campaign worker revealed in a radio interview "We have received $100 from the party, and only when Schoep was looking really bad." (Link Here)
I remember reading this awhile back. You are made to believe that "the commander" could never do such a thing, it's all lies. The truth hurts, no one is is safe from the knife Jeff inplants into his victims, even those who back him 100%.
Appreciate your leaving a comment, unfortunately with most of the counter-opinions being hacked it's getting harder to find information revealed. But keep the faith, even if there isn't one solid leader to unite all white people just yet, the race as a whole is starting to awaken.
I think you are all a bunch of whining pussies. Our race is dying and all you fucking pukes do is attack eachother for petty differences. I know Jeff Schoep personally and have talked with him about these allegations. There are two sides to every story, thats for damn sure. Anyone who is booted out of the NSM for improper conduct all of a sudden becomes a fucking martyr and immediately begins the mudslinging and starts a whole new organization because they have the "I wanna be in charge" syndrome. All you pieces of shit love to run your fucking mouths on the internet and bash the most sucessfull White Nationalist group in the country because you were too worthless to meet the standards of membership and once your own behaviour got you thrown out, like a fucking coward you put a load of bullshit on the internet and claim "victim" status. FUCK YOU! No one is perfect, not me, not Jeff Schoep, no one. But at least we are doing something to help our race! We are the ones who march in the street risking our asses and suffering the repercussions, while the rest of you faggot ass keyboard commandos write your faggoty little comments on your computer. Eat shit and die you net naxi bitches!! You have no balls and no heart! Tell you what- to prove my point here is my real home address-
William Herring, 2506 8th street north, Apt #1, Fargo, North Dakota.
Bring your bitch ass shit talking self up here anytime and we'll go out back and have a talk...
You aren't National Socialists- you are no better than niggers or jews. I hope everyone of you cowardly piles of dogshit gets raped by a fucking nigger. My offer stands- you talk the talk- but do any of you fucking cowards have the balls to come here and fight for your beliefs??? I will be waiting. I am sure most of you fucking kike loving faggots will send me all kinds of nasty e-mails, cause that is all the balls you have. Fuck you niggers! See you on the frontlines. Oh wait, thats right, none of you pukes ever make it to rallys.... Sorry. You are too busy typing away in your trailer house running your mouths and hiding from your duty. You all make me fucking sick. I honestly hope this government does fall apart, not because I wish for anarchy, but that would just make it easier to hunt you Benedict Arnold motherfuckers down and dispense some true Aryan justice specially reserved for traitors...
To all you faggots that are talking shit about the NSM- go fuck yourself. You are a coward, a liar and a piece of dogshit. Come see me in Fargo and run your mouth- I got no problem going to jail for the pleasure of knocking a fucking traitors teeth out of his head. Heil Hitler faggots!
It's sad because there are a lot of good people in the NSM, but too many of them are brainwashed.
What about those people who were in the party and trying to make a difference and got ousted because some other loser fuck didn't like them? How about the innocent people that had entire forum threads on them and what a fucker they are?? I think that people in the NSM turn a blind eye and go along with whatever jeffy and his little team say so they dont get ousted too. And that is sad, because you wrote about standing up and fighting. Well, some of us did that very same thing. The banning and ousting of Taylor bowles was a pussy thing to do--- and you know deep in your heart its true. Did you ever ask what he did? HE TOLD CATHY GRIGGS SHE WAS AN UGLY DYKE.. and told JOHN SCHAFER to suck it because they were banning his posts and calling him names (why dont you call him to verfiy it, or are you afraid its the truth?)
Open your eyes, newbie... the newness of it all and the appeal will wear off, especially when you, or your girlfriend start to get ousted. And it's sad, sure, but it's bound to happen.
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